
Woodside Petroleum Limited (ASX Code: WPL) Accelerated Pro Rata Renounceable Entitlement Offer - Adjustment Implications for ETOs

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Notice reference number: 0155.18.02
Date published: 19/02/18
Effective as of: 19/02/18
Last updated: 19/02/18

ASX Participants and ASX Clear (ASXCL) Participants were advised in ASX Notice #0151.18.02 dated 16 February 2018 of the rights-style adjustment method that ASX will apply to the Woodside Petroleum Limited  (ASX Code: WPL) pro rata accelerated renounceable entitlement offer. The terms of the entitlement issue are 1 for 9 at $27.00. The new securities are not entitled to receive the 2017 final dividend of USD$0.49.

For ease of reference, the adjustment method is set out again below:

New contract size is calculated as follows:

TC = OC + n*r/S


TC = theoretical new contract size (prior to any rounding) which is used in intermediate calculations

OC = old contract size (currently 100)

n = the number of entitlements ("rights”) attributed to each OC determined by the issue ratio applied to the old contract size OC (n = 1 / 9 * 100)

r = the market value (whether positive or negative) of the each entitlement (“rights”) as determined by ASX, calculated as S - d - C 


S = VWAP ex-entitlement of existing securities on the first day of ex-entitlement trading when the underlying securities resumed trading using the volume-weighted average price on ASX market

d = ordinary dividend or distribution that the new securities are not entitled to (d=USD$0.49)

C = consideration paid to exercise the implied rights (C=$27.00)

The AUD/USD rate of exchange determined by ASX for purpose of the adjustment was $0.7924, therefore, the dividend amount in the formula above is 0.49/0.7924 = AUD $0.6184 

The new strikes are calculated as follows:



OS = Old Strike

NS = New Strike

For the strike calculations, the theoretical new contract size (TC)used by ASX is rounded to 4 decimal places, and the strike factor (OC/TC) is rounded to 6 decimal places.

The strike factor for all contract sizes will be based on the result calculated for the standard 100 contract size.

The ex-entitlement VWAP on WPL for ETO purposes on 19 February 2018 was $28.8649. The market value of each entitlement as determined by ASX is r = S - d - C

r = 28.8649– 0.6184 – 27 = 1.2465

This is used in the calculation of theoretical new contract size (TC) and new strike (NS) using

TC = OC + n*r/S and NS = OS * OC/TC

Thus, for an existing contract size of 100, the new contract size was unadjusted and the strike factor is 100/100.4798 = 0.995225 (rounded to 6 decimal places), using TMC threshold truncation.

Participants should be aware that there are certain market conditions that can lead to a negative value for ‘r’.  A negative ‘r’ used in the calculation above will create an adjustment where the contract size is adjusted downwards and the exercise price is adjusted upwards.  Please see the recent example of Arrium Limited “ARI”. 

OTC series (where any)

Clearing Participants are reminded that any OTC series cleared by ASXCL under the ASX Equity FlexClearTM will be adjusted, including cash adjustments where any, using the same formula to the ETOs as shown in the Derivatives Notice.

Due to anonymity, the adjusted OTC series details will not be published in the Derivatives Notice. The OTC series will be adjusted along with ETOs adjustments on the night, and will be available to CP the following morning via their own clearing systems.

Specific Cover

Participants are reminded that, as the contract size is changing arrangements may need to be made for additional lodgement of underlying securities to account for any collateral denoted as specific cover.

What do I need to do by when?

ETO Cash Equalisation Adjustment Payments for Contract Size Roundings

Participants are reminded that ETO cash equalisation adjustments for contract size roundings are effective.

The cash adjustment payments will be posted by ASXCL as close as practicable to the effective adjustment date. For clarity, ETOs are LEPOs and non-LEPOs (ordinary options, American or European). Takers will be credited and writers debited a cash equalization payment for any contract size rounding calculations. (For share consolidations, it is possible for a LEPO taker to be debited if the LEPO strike is standardized back to 1 cent after initial rounding).

Where the old contract size of a series before an adjustment is 100, ASX will apply a standardizing “TMC threshold” so that if the calculated new contract size falls between 100 and to up to but not including 102, the new contract size will be truncated to the standard 100, and a cash equalisation adjustment payment made.  If the calculated theoretical new contract size falls above 102, then the theoretical new contract size will be truncated down to the nearest whole number, with a cash equalisation adjustment payment made. 

For the purpose of the cash equalisation adjustment payment, the percentage of the calculated contract size that was truncated was determined by ASX to be:

(TC-NC)/TC = (100.4798-100)/100.4798= 0.477509% to six decimal places in the percentage figure.

This was applied to the old daily settlement price. 

Exercises Restrictions Lifted after ETO Adjustment

Exercise restrictions were lifted on the day trading resumes on an ex-entitlement (or ex-rights) basis. This applies also to OTCs. 

Autoexercise Caution

As a reminder, participants are advised that they will need to check carefully whether the adjusted WPL series are in-the-money or out-of-the-money in determining whether to exercise or lapse the option series.

As strike adjustments are made under UA trading ASXCL does not accept responsibility for any exercises resulting from reliance on the Autoexercise facility. 

Adjustment Effective on 19 February 2018 under “UA” Trading Basis

Participants are reminded that the adjustment was effective on 19 February 2018 when the ETO class resumed trading on an under adjustment basis (“UA” flag).  All trades were on an adjusted basis, notwithstanding that the extent of the adjustment was officially published by ASX only after the end of the day.  This is similar to any rights-style adjustment to ETOs 

Please refer to table of adjusted series below:

100 100 1 1 E
100 100 2000 1990 A
100 100 2001 1991 E
100 100 2100 2090 A
100 100 2101 2091 E
100 100 2200 2189 A
100 100 2201 2190 E
100 100 2300 2289 A
100 100 2301 2290 E
100 100 2400 2389 A
100 100 2500 2488 A
100 100 2501 2489 E
100 100 2550 2538 A
100 100 2551 2539 E
100 100 2600 2588 A
100 100 2601 2589 E
100 100 2650 2637 A
100 100 2651 2638 E
100 100 2700 2687 A
100 100 2701 2688 E
100 100 2750 2737 A
100 100 2751 2738 E
100 100 2800 2787 A
100 100 2801 2788 E
100 100 2850 2836 A
100 100 2851 2837 E
100 100 2900 2886 A
100 100 2901 2887 E
100 100 2950 2936 A
100 100 2951 2937 E
100 100 3000 2986 A
100 100 3001 2987 E
100 100 3050 3035 A
100 100 3051 3036 E
100 100 3100 3085 A
100 100 3101 3086 E
100 100 3150 3135 A
100 100 3151 3136 E
100 100 3200 3185 A
100 100 3201 3186 E
100 100 3250 3234 A
100 100 3251 3235 E
100 100 3300 3284 A
100 100 3301 3285 E
100 100 3350 3334 A
100 100 3351 3335 E
100 100 3400 3384 A
100 100 3401 3385 E
100 100 3450 3434 A
100 100 3451 3435 E
100 100 3500 3483 A
100 100 3501 3484 E
100 100 3550 3533 A
100 100 3551 3534 E
100 100 3600 3583 A
100 100 3601 3584 E
100 100 3650 3633 A
100 100 3651 3634 E
100 100 3700 3682 A
100 100 3701 3683 E
100 100 3750 3732 A
100 100 3751 3733 E
100 100 3800 3782 A
100 100 3801 3783 E
100 100 3850 3832 A
100 100 3900 3881 A
100 100 3901 3882 E
100 100 4000 3981 A
100 100 4001 3982 E
100 100 4200 4180 A
100 100 4300 4279 A
100 100 4400 4379 A
100 100 4500 4479 A
100 100 4501 4480 E
100 100 4600 4578 A
100 100 4800 4777 A
100 100 4900 4877 A
100 100 4901 4878 E


DCS Cash Adjustment Calculation Methodology

Where a cash adjustment is applicable, DCS will apply the methodology described in this section.

The cash adjustment is calculated by taking the difference between the contract value of the option before and after the adjustment.  Variants to the formula apply for rights style adjustments and when the adjustment occurs on the day of the option’s expiry.

Cash adjustment = (BOP * BUV) – (AOP * AUV)


BUV =Before (adjustment) Unit Value = BP * BU rounded to nearest cent

AUV =After (adjustment) Unit Value = AP * AU rounded to nearest cent

BU = units per lot (multiplier) before the adjustment (old traded entity)

AU = units per lot (multiplier) after the adjustment (old traded entity)

BP = for rights style, =SP/Adjustment Factor, for non-rights style=SP.

AP = for rights style, =SP, for non-rights style=SP * Adjustment Factor.

SP = settlement price of the option if not the options expiry day, otherwise the intrinsic price (underlying price-strike price for calls, strike-underlying price for puts) if on expiry date.  Refer Notes 1 and 2 below

BOP =pre-adjusted open position Refer Notes 1 and 3 below

AOP =post-adjusted open position Refer Notes 1 and 3 below



  1. Cash adjustments on expiry will apply to exercised positions only. 

  2. The intrinsic price used for exercised positions on expiry is based on the adjusted strike price for rights style adjustments and the pre-adjusted strike price for non-rights style adjustments.  Set negative intrinsic prices to zero i.e. if an out of the money is exercised, the intrinsic price and hence cash adjustment is zero. 

  3. Pre and post adjusted positions will be the same unless there is a position adjustment factor applied to the open position associated with the adjustment.  For rights style use the start of day position (i.e. exclude any UA trading activity), for non-rights style use the (end-of-day) position prior to the adjustment. 

  4. Cash adjustments will also apply to LEPO positions. 

  5. For short positions, the result of the cash adjustment formula should have its sign reversed (multiply by -1). For non-LEPO positions the truncation approach ensures that the seller (writer) is always debited and the buyer (taker) is credited.  Because the LEPO strike is usually returned to 1c after the adjustment, the holder of a short LEPO position may be credited and long position may be debited.

Need more information?

Issued by

Brendan Laird, Senior Manager, Post Trade Operations

Contact information

Cheng Zhang      
1800 623 571
