
Updated Block Trade Procedures on ASX 24

What's this about:
  • Trading
  • Product
  • Operations
  • Technology
  • Rules
  • Commodities
  • Energy
  • ASX 24 Market
  • UDC
Notice reference number: 0674.18.06
Date published: 20/06/18
Effective as of: 20/06/18
Last updated: 20/06/18

Effective immediately, ASX has updated the Procedures to:

  • Remove 7 leg or more option orders from the User Defined Combination Strategies (UDC) rules and procedures, including pre-negotiation rules, and include these orders as 1 lot/leg block trade orders applicable to all products.
  • Remove specified option and strip orders from the User Defined Combination Strategies (UDC) rules and procedures, including pre-negotiation rules, and include these orders as 1 lot/leg block trade orders for Australian electricity products only

Some examples include:

  1. Futures strip to futures strip – 8 legs (Inter-regional, off-peak, cap-swap)
  2. Strip option strategies with strip futures delta hedge (5 leg single option, 6 leg two options)

In addition, ASX has expanded the Block Trade electronic registration times for the Day Session by one hour for all ASX Energy products. For Australian Electricity and Gas contracts, Block Trades agreed during the contract trading session and up to one hour after the close, electronic registration must be completed within 10 minutes of agreement between the parties. For Block Trades agreed outside the trading session and later than one hour after the close, electronic registration must be completed on the next Business Day between 8.30am and 9.45am AEST.

What do I need to do by when?

An Electricity Trade Accept Guide is attached for assistance in entering deals.

Need more information?

Issued by

Ken Chapman
Head of Strategic Delivery, Capital Markets

Contact information
