
Reminder - Australian Liquidity Centre – Scheduled Annual DRUPS and LV Switchboard Maintenance

What's this about:
  • Technical Services
  • Australian Liquidity Centre (ALC)
  • ALC
  • SmartHands
  • Work Access Requests
  • Low Voltage
  • Switchboard Maintenance
  • LV
Notice reference number: 0663.19.07
Date published: 01/07/19
Effective as of: 07/07/19
Last updated: 01/07/19

Australian Liquidity Centre (ALC) customers are advised that ASX will be conducting its scheduled annual maintenance on the Diesel Rotary Un-interruptible Power Supply (DRUPS) systems and low voltage switchboard maintenance at the ALC. Each DRUPS unit and associated LV switchboard will be shutdown on the same weekend.  Due to the extent of the maintenance, the maintenance operations will be conducted over three weekends:

·       DRUPS A & LV-A Switchboard Sunday 7th July

·       DRUPS B & LV-B Switchboard Sunday 14th July

·       DRUPS C & LV-C Switchboard Sunday 21st July

The maintenance operations are due to start at 06:00 and are scheduled to be completed by 18:00 on each day.

The maintenance will be performed on a single DRUPS at a time and will require each DRUPS to be shutdown.  During this time the associated low voltage switchboard will be shutdown. Each customer cabinet has dual power rails and during this time one power rail in each cabinet will be shutdown, the second power rail will continue to operate normally with DRUPS backup power available.

Customers will need to prepare to run on a single power feed, making the necessary arrangements to guarantee their powered space is properly configured to ensure minimal disruptions. This includes balancing power between dual power feeds and ensuring single-corded gear has redundancy. ASX recommends that a Static Transfer Switch (STS) be installed if you have single-corded hardware.

The ASX System Status Page will be used to communicate the start and completion of the maintenance operations. Customers subscribed to ALC alerts will receive an email and/or SMS message pointing to the System Status Page for further information on each of the three maintenance weekends. For more information on the system status alerts please see ASX Online notice 0171.19.03

ASX will be working closely with its service engineers for the duration of the maintenance.

ALC access and other services will continue as per normal procedures.

What do I need to do by when?

If you have any questions regarding this maintenance please contact ASX Customer Technical Support (CTS) at

Need more information?

Issued by

David Glavin – General Manager, Technology Infrastructure

Contact information

Customer Technical Support
+61 (02)  9227 0372 | 1800 663 053
